Monday, June 23, 2008

anything goes

oh so simple and oh so lovely.

Throw everything in a pot. That pretty much sums it up.

Today is Sam's first day as a full-time stay home painter.. fine artist kind, not painting your house kind... although he will do that if you'll pay him! Offers anyone? It's fun that we both get to be home all day on a Monday. For lunch, we made one of our staples. Pasta with lots of veggies.

For a while we were buying jars of
spaghetti sauce at the
store and that was okay, but at some point I realize that it is much more delicious and less expensive to make our own.

Your Own Spaghetti Sauce

  • any vegetables that you happen to have
  • a big can of organic tomato sauce (less than half the price of a jar of "spaghetti sauce")

Put a little bit of oil in a pot. Chop up all your vegetables and throw them in the pot to cook for a while. We used summer squash, zucchini, onion, red pepper, and yellow pepper today. While that's cooking, add some spices- basil, oregano, fresh garlic, sage, whatever you want.

Boil some noodles and enjoy your meal. Make a big mess with the spaghetti slurping and the experience is even more entertaining.

Many thanks to my goofy food model. Your fake and forced smiles make the meal.

1 comment:

Ashley // Our Little Apartment said...

AWWW!! SAM! :)

I vote for more Sam guest appearances. Make him write about food, too. haha. :)