Sunday, July 6, 2008

again with the fruit

you know how you have that plain yogurt you bought for the moussaka? and the fruit from the pancakes? and the honey for the home-made granola that is five million times more delicious than any kind you can get in a box?

Do this with it.

Drizzle the honey and dollop the fruit over the yogurt. Then eat your breakfast. Go on. Take it slow. Sip your tea. Read your magazines or your book. Stay in bed for hours.


Lucia Hawley said...

Oooh, yum! Plain yogurt is turning out to be my fav. summer food (with fruit, too)! And thanks for such a nice comment!

Thistlemoon said...

I JUST ate this for breakfast this AM. We ran out of bread and some is rising now, but it wasn't going to be ready for breakfast, so we went with this. We had papaya, cantaloupe and blueberries in ours!

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