Friday, July 4, 2008

banana pancakes!

I very much enjoy the song Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson. I don't think I've heard it for a year but it just came on Pandora while I was preparing Frittata with Sun-Dried Tomatoes... fancy name for a recipe, huh? In that book Julie and Julia, all the recipes sounded fancy and important because they were in intimidating French. Later today I'm making Vegetable Moussaka... whatever that is. Sounds a little more intimidating, right? I've decided that I will be making all of the recipes that I've put a tab on.

Sam just looked over my shoulder to see what I'm writing and I immediately pointed out, "It's silly. No one reads it but Ashley." So, Hi Ashley! :) Hope the big move was stellar.


well-intentioned heartbreaker said...

pssshhh. you can go tell sam he's WRONG ;)

those banana pancakes look delightful.

Unknown said...

ummm i read!
hi sam!
ps- maybe i will try veganizing your frittata recipe and let you know how it goes?

Ashley // Our Little Apartment said...


I'm sooo not the only one who reads this, duh. :-P

Mike sometimes reads over my shoulder and then makes fun of what I'm writing. It's great.

Or I'll take a picture, and he'll make up a silly blog post to go along with it. :-P

(I hate eggs and have stopped buying them. I never eat them alone, so they get bad quickly - I know this has to do with another post, but I'm kinda behind in blog reading. Which is fun, and Katie SOO doesn't get. I was trying to explain it to her last night. No luck. She just thinks I'm a weirdo.)